Last 21-22 February 2024, the Sustainable Farming in Tropical Asian Landscapes (SFITAL) Project in the Philippines conducted a Training of Trainers (TOT) on Integrated Pest and Disease Management and Shade Management for Cacao Cultivation. This is part of the series of TOTs that SFITAL is implementing to promote agroecological practices for environment-friendly and climate-resilient cacao cultivation. Also part of the TOT is to capacitate local extensionists to design their own trainings for local stakeholders.
Below is the slide deck presented during the TOT on designing effective trainings for farmers and other community members.
Shaping Learning: Effective training design for the community
This slide deck presents essential knowledge to design effective community training sessions. It covers information on how humans learn, particularly the several types of intelligence and various forms of education, as well as the key elements of a learning session. This presentation also presents important reminders for training designers.
Suggested citation:
Noza, Z. 2024, February 22. SHAPING LEARNING: Effective training design for the community [PowerPoint slides].
You may read the file online by clicking the button below.