Agricultural production has been said to present inevitable tradeoffs with ecosystem services such as biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration. For example, land that can be planted with trees with high sequestration rate is planted with agricultural crops instead. If these crops are not suitable for the land, all the resources devoted to cultivation–including the tradeoffs–will be wasted. In line with this, the SFITAL Philippines Team conducted a cacao suitability analysis in Davao de Oro. Resulting from this analysis are these cacao suitability maps for each municipality in Davao de Oro.
Available for download are the cacao suitability maps for the municipalities of Compostela, Laak, Mabini, Maco, Maragusan, Mawab, Monakyo, Montevista, Nabunturan, New Bataan, and Pantukan.
To download the maps, select the map you want to download then fill out the form below. Please take note that these maps cannot be reproduced or used without the permission of ICRAF and IFAD.